E22’s Energy Management System (EMS) is a control platform with the flexibility for integrate control; optimization; and energy planification modules on demand, customized with alarms notifications and report analysis amongst other features. E22’s EMS is designed under an open, scalable, universal SCADA platform that offers unlimited licensing and instant web-based deployment.
This excellent and reliable control platform is able to properly manage large scale Storage Systems, such as VRF or Li-ion batteries systems, alongside different industrial electrical generation systems (solar, wind, etc.), in order to maximize the net operation revenue of the global system.
E22’s EMS is a perfect partner for O&M, being capable to carry out O&M operations efficiently, keeping the Energy System Operator informed of the actual behavior of the entire facility. The unit can also send information directly to an identified defective equipment provider for merely info or to request approval for intervention. These features reduce O&M personal cost and also reduce unavailability cost of the energy subsystems.
ETER has the certification as CAMGE required by Order TED/749/2020 (BOE 208), which harmonizes with EU Regulation 2016/631.
ETER, E22’s Energy Management System (EMS), is the system that controls the devices that compose a generating plant or a microgrid. These elements can be of different types: loads, generators, reactive compensators and energy accumulators.
Power Plant Controller and Energy Management System are two solutions that we implement for the control of PV plants and hybrid plants with storage, respectively.