Organized by the Turkish Wind Energy Association for the 11th time last week, with the great personal efforts of TÜREB President Mr. İbrahim Erden, Industry and Technology Minister Mr. Mustafa Varank, Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Mr. Abdullah Tancan, Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Mr. Fatih Kacır. We held an efficient organization with the participation of EMRA President Mr. Mustafa Yılmaz.
"Is the Future of Green Transformation Hydrogen and Self-Consumption-Oriented Production?" on Hydrogen Technologies, which is one of the current research topics of the world and gaining importance both in our country and in Europe. A presentation was made by our CEO, Doc Dr Ali Murat Soydan. In the presentation, in which the situation of hydrogen technologies in our country and in the world was summarized, the road map required for the formation of the hydrogen ecosystem was also mentioned in detail.